Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri Halliwell is Brit pop artist, singer, fashion designer and actress. Ginger Spice is a British pop singer as well as songwriter. She is a multifaceted woman who has performed as a dancer in night clubs she has also been a presenter on television as well as a glamorous girl. In her youth she was in the group Spice Girls. Virgin Records then signed her. Within a brief period they released their first single, titled Wannabe. The song focuses on female empowerment. It went on to top charts worldwide. Spice was recorded by the group, and it became an instant hit, topping charts around the world. This album is one of most popular albums and has sold over 23 million copies across the world. Halliwell began her solo career following her departure from her bandmates with the hit song Look at Me. It received favorable reviews from critics. Her debut album Schizophonic was also a moderate success. Halliwell is a professional musician by trade is also well-known for other artistic works. She was made Goodwill Ambassador through the United Nations Population Fund.

Jenny Taft moderates a sports show on Fox Sports 1 called 'Skip and Shannon Undisputed. Taft is an American TV personality. In a family full that included sports enthusiasts, Tafts love for the sporting world started at a young age. Also, she competed at various levels in school and college but decided that she wanted to become broadcaster. Taft, who graduated from Boston University in broadcast journalism and a concentration in reports on sports and regional ties, began her career working with Fox Sports North. The reporter also reported on sports, was involved in social media, and hosted numerous occasions. Her job was then elevated to work for Fox Sports 1 as part of the News and Highlights team. Taft worked as a reporter for FS1 that covered a variety of prestigious competitions. In addition, she was the sideline reporter for football, as well as the chief of college journalism with Gus Johnson. Her claim to fame arrived when she was asked to fill into the role of moderator for the well-known TV series Skip and Shannon: Undisputed in 2018 a position she continues to hold today. Recent appearances include hosting CFB Inside Slant independently as well as being the pit reporter for the Discovery show Battlebots.

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